Excursions in Florence

Guided excursions to discover the hills of Florence at a slow pace

Discover the landscape-cultural treasure of the hills of Florence by walking.

Among the top things to do in Florence, taking guided excursions or treks in the hills is a magnificent way to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of this region, exploring a variety of paths that pass through woods, olive groves and vineyards, offering breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding Tuscan countryside. You don't know which path to take? With these excursions, you won't have to think about anything: show up at the agreed location, wear comfortable clothing and suitable shoes, and bring water and a camera!

We'll take care of the rest.

The guides of Appennino Slow are selected after years of collaboration and guarantee professionalism, availability and competence with a great knowledge of the area to make your trip a unique and unforgettable experience. They are all members of AIGAE, the Italian Association of Environmental Hiking Guides, the only GAE trade association recognised by the Mi.S.E. (Ministry of Economic Development).

1. Guided hike in the Medici Park of Pratolino

An evocative location on the outskirts of Florence to be discovered with this walk suitable for everyone full of secrets and messages hidden among trees, statues and caves. A journey through the alchemical symbols kept in the park of Pratolino and in its Villa Demidoff, the Medici Villa, a UNESCO heritage site in Mugello, at the behest of Francesco I of Medici, who made this place perfect for his esoteric studies and moments of leisure with lover Bianca Cappello. Find out more about the Giant of the Apennines and the reasons why it is worth visiting the park with a guide.

Basic level: April to October. Duration 3h. This experience is also suitable for families with children and untrained people.

2. Hike - Vallombrosa: a 1,000 years of history

Half-day experience to get in touch with the unique environments of Vallombrosa. Here, the intertwining of man's work with Nature bears numerous testimonies. With your guide, you will enter the heart of the biogenetic reserve to immerse yourself in the splendid fir and beech woods. The circular route will take you through the most evocative corners of the reserve, such as the Chapel of San Giovanni Gualberto and the Holy Ladder.

Basic level: Length: 8km. Elevation gain: 250 meters uphill

3. Guided Trekking on Monte Senario

The trekking takes place in the land of the Medici, between the Mugello valley and the area of the Florentine hills along some stretches of the Via degli Dei (Path of Gods). The starting point will be Bivigliano, but the culmination (in every sense!) of the walk will be the spectacular Convent of Monte Senario, at 815 meters above sea level, in the municipality of Vaglia, with a balcony that offers a panorama from which you can almost see Florence. Along the route, you will also encounter the "burraie" (the room where butter was manufactured or stored or, more generally, used for milk processing), the Badia del Buonsollazzo and the cross of Mélago.

Intermediate level: March to October. Duration 5h, length: 12 km Difference in altitude: +/- 405 m.

4. Trekking from Bologna to Florence: 6 days on the Via degli Dei

This trek is one of the unique things to do in Florence and is for those who already have some experience in hiking. The package is organised entirely by Appennino Slow (6 nights with breakfast, luggage transport, itinerary, etc.) but does not include a guide who will travel with you!

The Via degli Dei is the very famous hiking trail that extends for approximately 130 kilometres through the Apennines, connecting Bologna to Florence in a breathtaking route through woods, hills and ancient villages. Travelling along the Via degli Dei offers an immersive experience in nature and the possibility of discovering the history and culture of the crossed lands, making it an unforgettable experience for lovers of trekking and scenic beauty. Think of everything Appennino Slow!

Discover all the details by clicking on the tab.


Hike - Vallombrosa: a 1,000 years of history

Easy hike among solemn fir trees and bright beech woods around the Vallombrosa Abbey. The history of mankind is ...

Parks and gardens

Guided Hike in the Medici Park of Pratolino

Guided hike at Villa Demidoff, the Medici park of Pratolino.


Trekking from Bologna to Florence: 6 days on the Via degli Dei

Via degli Dei Trekking Package: The classic itinerary, a 6-day trek with overnight stay included, to discover t ...


Guided Hiking Adventure on Monte Senario

Guided trekking around the Monte Senario convent complex, to discover ancient places and curious stories of the ...