Fan Hua Chinese Festival - Cinema La Compagnia, Florence

What you will find

EVENT NAMEFan Hua Chinese Festival
EVENT LOCATION: Cinema la Compagnia - Via Camillo Cavour 50/R, Florence
EVENT DATE: 2-6 october 2024

The Festival, conceived by its President Xiuzhong Zhang, was born in Florence in 2021 in collaboration with the Fondazione Sistema Toscana-Area Cinema and La Compagnia Cinema.
"FánHua"-literally "variety of blooming flowers"-is a name that corresponds perfectly to the flourishing and diverse film production that has been developing in China.
All films are offered in the original language with Italian subtitles, some also in English; each screening is introduced by Paolo Bertolin, who offers the audience insights and keys to understanding the films and their authors.


photo credits. FanHua
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Where / Meeting point

via Camillo Cavour 50/R - 50121 Firenze (FI)